September 10, 2012

Volunteer act: Adidas KOTR

I'm in =D
When I missed out on the registration for the Adidas King of the Road, I'd jumped straight away into the opportunity to become a volunteer. Actually I didn't expect to volunteer after they replied in an email that the registration for volunteers is fulled, but then the day before the run I received a text message telling to me to join. I wasn't that excited in the beginning because the volunteers had to report in at 2 a.m. Plus, I've just got back from playing futsal and had one thing in mind and it was my comfy springy bed.

The organizer gave us t-shirts but the size was not to my liking. Didn't tripped since it was free. We all gathered at the Sunway Pyramid concourse. The organizer divided us into groups. There I befriend Akmal a student from UPM. The time was 3 a.m and you would think everybody would settle down and catch a nap. Hell no! The energy level of the volunteers at this point was the highest as if the shopping mall was opened. Me? I was already lying on the floor try to get some shut eyes. 

At 4 a.m, our group leader took us to tour the race venue so we could familiarized our self with where the medicals, toilets, baggage center, vip booth, presentational stage, finish line, starting line etc. are, so we could assist runners later on. My group was in charged of the Athlete's Welfare Area (AWA). This is where the runners, after completing their run would go to and collect water, banana and finisher medal.

After the AWA station has been prepared, Akmal and I went for subuh prayer at the mosque opposite Sunway Pyramid. On the way back, we checked out the 10k runners flag off. The 16.8k  runners flag off was 15 minutes earlier. We didn't have to wait for long before the first runner reached the finish line. After 30 minutes the elite athletes started to show up. They were welcomed with loud cheers and applauses from the crowd and the volunteers.

10k flag off

Bananas? check

Medals? check

Chilled mineral drinks? check

As runners started to flood into the finish line, I had the task of navigating traffic so the runners would keep moving forward and won't crowd the finish line. Bumped into Puteri who ran the 10k run with her boyfriend. Caught up with Hafriz who also ran the 10k run. Chatted about his run and just soaking in the atmosphere around. 

At 10 a.m, we cleared the AWA station before we were dismissed by our group leader. Overall, it was a cool experience as I got to check out the event in another perspective. Volunteering is a great way to give back to the running community because now I know the work that have been put in. It gives me better appreciation for the volunteers out there doing their part. Job well done guys!!!

With Hafriz after his run

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