March 4, 2013

Brooks Half Marathon 2013

First run of the year

I have to wait till March to get my running year started because there weren't many runs that attracts me. Lately I've been doing my run just by myself. This event will always have a special place in my heart because it was my first half marathon event I'd ran back in 2012. Last year, I finished with a time of 3:42'08". It felt right to come back this year and set the record straight. I did indeed with a time of 2:27'54" (excluding Subuh break time).  For half marathons I always put 2:30'00" as my benchmark. Anything below it I knew I had a good run.

This year, the starting line was held at Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil car park. Arrived at the race site with 10 minutes to spare before the flag off at 5.30am. Same route but different direction. So when the climbs came, instead of a what-the-fuck-look, I had a bring-it-on-look on my face because this time I didn't walk. Again, in the first 10k when we running around the residential area of Bukit Jalil, some impatient drivers acted like morons honking non-stop in the wee hours and even drove out ignoring the traffic marshals that had been holding them off. Many runners showed their discontentment to those idiots.

At KM11, stopped by at D'santai Station near Bukit Komanwel for subuh where I'd been running for 1:26'00". There I realized I had a slow 10k. Probably because of runners congestion plus with some poor lit roads which had many runners running slower than usual. If you guys want to stop to tie your shoe lace or walk to take a breather, please proceed to the left. This to avoid  anyone crashing into you which could bring unpleasant injuries to both.

With friends and foos

Only at the last water station that they served 100plus but I didn't stop because there were too many runners crowding the table. Didn't see any powergel booth. Probably they had ran out by the time I arrived. Crossed the finish line, collected my medal and finisher t-shirt, and went straight to get some food at the race village. I had  milo, 100 plus, watermelon and taufufa =) Snapped pictures and cheered few runners on.

A perfect egg cup holder

I would like to offer my condolences to family and friends of the veteran runner who passed away during the run on Sunday.

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