October 1, 2013

SCKLM 2013 - half marathon race report

SCKLM 2013 finally went under way after it was postponed back in June due to "worsening" haze condition at the time. Nonetheless, dubbed as the biggest running event in country. About 33,000 runners turned out this year from all categories. I know people who who would not run a single event this year, would make an exception for this event. I guess it's more than just running, it's a festival. Again, I ran in the half marathon category for the second year in a row. My aim was to have a sub 2-hour finish. That has been the case in every half marathon races I'd entered since Seremban HM back in July. 


This is the first time I didn't drive all the way to KL because from what I had learned from last year, the detour from road closures can be a headache. So I took the LRT instead from Asia Jaya to Masjid Jamek. Met up with Awi and had my Subuh prayer there. A quick jog to Dataran Merdeka and by the time I dropped off my bag at the baggage counter the half marathon had just been flagged off. I did a quick warm up stretch. I repeat a QUICK stretching which I would later sadly regret T_T

On deck at 5:00 a.m

On board

Mind games

So basically I started from the back of the pack. A quick catch up with Awi, absorbing the energy around me, and getting the legs warmed up and the sweats out. I think I was going pretty fast passing through runners. I always say that the 'real' run only starts after the first 30 minutes. That's where I would evaluate my run. Unfortunately, it wasn't looking good for me. Around KM5, I knew something wasn't right. I felt tightness on my right calf. I decided not to hold my earlier pace for fear that my calf would cramped up and ruin my entire run. So I dropped a pace thinking I still have a long way to go. 

I kept looking at my watch to see my timing and compared it with the markers along the route. I was behind; didn't even make KM10 under an hour. In my mind, I was thinking of many reasons that could have possibly made me suffer the muscle stiffness so early in my run. Then I diverted my attention on how to pace myself. I started targeting runners in front of me for me to overtake. One after another. From young to old. From slow to fast. 

When I reached KLCC about KM15 I decided to take out my camera and snapped some photos. This was where the half and full marathon runners would part ways. I cheered on those full marathon runners that were near me and wish them all the best. At KM18 or so, I found another motivation to keep me going. I wanted to better my time from last year's. So I found another gear in my legs and took off.

Approaching KLCC

Good to see the full marathon runners still in good spirit

I would have to say the best part of any run is right before the finish line. Where the spectators' cheers got louder. No matter how tired you are, the energy from the crowd will give you as much lift as you need to run and push across the finish line. Some runners would slow down at take it all in. Some runners would take it as an advantage to speed up to chase a PB. It's kinda like a victory lap where you know it will soon be over. The finish line is within your grasp.

Runners cheering on runners

Collected my medal and some light refreshment such as banana, apple and a can of 100 plus. Then went straight to the baggage counter to collect my belongings. Again it was quick and there were no queues. Credit to the volunteers and organizers for that! Great to see the number of people I know at this event is getting larger by the year. Hopefully to see some family members next year. My mom already started asking about upcoming running events. Chilled about an hour there searching, waiting, posing for the camera with friends before I made move. The cloudless morning made the sun's glare and heat somewhat uneasy to chill for long.

Baggage counter: Grab and go

Thank you all who had trained with me for the past months. Thank you all for the wishes and kind messages. Big shout out to Dinie who let me borrowed his water belt so I could fit my fat phone in plus my camera. Lastly, thank you all volunteers who sacrificed their sleep to come out and help. I see you! Although running is an individual sport, you guys make it feels as if it is not =D

 Next year's aim, FULL MARATHON !! Here we go !!

Doing my part - cheering runners on! My choice of words was "don't keep calm, keep running!!!"

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