May 26, 2012

Standard Chartered *Free* Run

Standard Chartered Fun Run was held in conjunction with National Youth Day. So there were plenty of other events happening around the area. Prior to the run, I managed to persuade quite a number of my friends to join the run with the biggest reason that the registration is FREE! Good news, I did get some positive feed backs, but mostly ignored me. My effort to promote future runs to friends and family will continue no matter how many times they shook their heads and coming up with excuses. I will persist until I succeed!

Looking forward for this run in particular because Dz, Hafriz and Diana will join the run too! Always excited to see new faces in the running scene. Unfortunately, SARC were only me and Paan. Aina and Farah bailed out on us. 

Ran the 8k route as it was the longest. Predicted it would be a sunny and hot morning and it was. The run started at 8 a.m so by the time we ran the sun was already right infront of our faces. Those runners who were sunphobia had towels covering their faces. Many were looking to take cover by running under the tree shades. Ran the first 4k alongside Paan and decided to speed ahead on the last 4k as I wanted to get a good workout. At the 5k mark, bumped into Dz and co but with one man short or should I say woman. Diana didn't run =( She didn't collect her running bib and the organizer didn't let her run. She should just go ahead run and screw the organizer!

Crossed the finish line in 58'20". Chilled out with Diana at the finish line while waiting for others to finish. Love when organizers provide isotonic drinks and even milos at the end of the run. We runners super appreciate it! Saw many familiar faces in the crowd. What a pleasant surprised to see Lydia and Dila! They ran in the 5k. Kudos to them and all the volunteers!

When the sun is shining, got to have your shades and flowered shirt on!
Farhan showing how its done
Dz crossing the finish line. Didn't even smile for the camera
With Lydia and Fadila
With Farhan, Diana, Hafriz and Dz at the finish line

1 comment:

  1. clap clap for everyone! :)

    p.s. dropped by looking for the Fun Run blogs to read, BTW. ^^
