December 17, 2012

Bash#219 Elmina, Shah Alam

Final bash for the year 2012 and it's a night ride at the vast palm oil estate of Elmina, Shah Alam. Rode here before with GTL (Gemuk Tapi Laju) MTBers during the month of Ramadhan in 2011. We started around midnight after terawih when all the food had been properly digested, and ended around 2-3 a.m. 

When it comes to night ride, I always have lighting issues. To make things worst, I only started to sort it out in the afternoon of bash day. Called everyone I know if I could borrow their lights. The always reliable Pak Mat lent me his DIY helmet lights but obviously the batteries were flat. Managed to get a good 1 hour of charging. Brought along my head light as back up and I'm glad I did. 

Brought out the Louis Garneau hard-tail bike which had been collecting dusts and spider webs in the storeroom. Riding with Uncle Jo who I believe did not miss a single bash this year. Not many riders turned out for the bash as it was on Saturday evening. The ride started at 6.30 p.m. I got too excited, I forgot to wear my gloves which I had already packed in the car.

The ride was fast and smooth up to the point where the long and short ride parted ways which was already 1/3 of the long ride according to the hare stationed there. The DIY helmet lights didn't even see any action as it wasn't bright enough. So, I took out my head lights and put in some new AAA batteries. Now with the extra weight on my head, I carried on into the darkness. 

At times when I was riding alone, I got the usual chill at the back spine. Couldn't ride fast because constantly looking out for papers. Over ran the paper trails about 3 times, but all with a group of riders. There this one situation where me and 2 other riders over ran a paper trail. Me and 1 of the riders decided to turn back to the last place we spotted a paper. However, the other rider stubbornly kept riding forward. He said he know that route is heading home. I gave him a shout telling him that I'm turning back and that we should follow papers. It's not a matter of getting back to home base, but it's a matter of riding the trails that the hares already set out for the bash ride.

Arrived back at the car after 2h 47m of riding. No mechanical break down from the bike, and no cramps from me which is always good. Another great night ride. Really need to get my own set of lights. I said this in my last night ride in Sepang. I'd even said this after I rode with GTL here a year ago =P

How we spent our Saturday evening

You can't never have enough headlights

Photo of KLMBH

Photo of KLMBH

November 20, 2012

Allianz Penang Bridge International Marathon (old bridge)

I came, I ran, I conquered

Forever alone, unprepared, and excited at the same time, this is my journey at the Allianz Penang Bridge International Marathon. This would be my furthest run event away from home so far. Initially, I was super excited for this run when I registered for it way back in June, but as the marathon date slowly approaching, I lost any sense of excitement as I felt that the run was a hassle for me, just to travel, run, and travel back. In the end, I'm glad I made the trip and it was worth it.

All the top reviewed guesthouses were fully booked during that weekend. So, I took the earliest bus from Shah Alam, tried my luck and walked in every guesthouses in Georgetown to see if there's any vacant bed/room. After almost 2 hour search, I finally came across Mallog Budget Hotel. It's not Shangri La, but you get what you've paid for. The owner was friendly. I had nasi dalca for dinner at one of the hawkers nearby before heading to the race site.

I registered for the half marathon category and the run started at 3 a.m. Free shuttle buses were provided from Penang Ferry Terminal towards the area opposite Tapak Pesta Sg. Nibong which was about 500m from the race site. Arrived at the race site around midnight and killed time by reading a book, catching a catnap, and walking around the race village snapping pictures. 

The first and last time running on the (old)Penang bridge

The men were flagged off first where as the women were flagged of 15 minutes later. Imagine how the elite women runners must have felt when they have to run passed by a couple thousands runners in front of them. Why the separate flag of time? It still puzzles me.

Right off the bat, I had stomach cramps. Then, 4k into the run, started to feel knee pain on my left knee. This really caught me off guard because usually those knee pain will only hit towards the end of my run. Thus, I was running with slight gimp from that point onwards.

Clear night sky, warm and there was barely a breeze. I was expecting it to be mad windy on the bridge but it wasn't. Took plenty of pictures on the bridge. For those who didn't know, this would be the last time the marathon will be held at the current bridge. Next year it would be held at the new bridge.

The iconic Penang Bridge. Been there, ran that

Try running barefoot for 6 hours just like this pacer!

Dude on a wheelchair blowing a whistle passing through runners. Necessary? Elite women runners past us but didn't have no whistle nor escorts

Something to read along the way

In the last 4k, the knee pain in both knees reached its limit, but this time around there was no muscle cramps. Crossed the finish line with an unimpressive time of 2:41'53" (unofficial). I've noticed that I always underperformed in runs that were held during wee hours. Perhaps due to the lack of sleep and rest, or lack of training!!? Hit the 100plus, milo and cereal booth for some refreshments. Collected my bag at the luggage counter. First time leaving my bag behind and there was no problem what so ever. Tired and sleepy, so didn't hang around long and took the shuttle back to Georgetown.

Kudos to all volunteers who tirelessly helped during the event. I saw few budak pengakap already sleeping on the side of the road. See you guys next year at the new bridge =)

My pace dropped in the last 4k =(

Some cool art works from my guesthouse to the Ferry Terminal. Even stopped by to write down my name

Can't simply take it off. On the ferry heading to Butterworth to catch the bus back home

Went straight to my friend's wedding that night. The run was dedicated to the newly weds Ella Elli and their husbands =D

October 31, 2012

Bash#217 Kg. Gerachi Jaya, off Kuala Kubu Bharu

I've been off the bike for 4 months and that's a long time in MTB world. Riding with hardcore bash rider, Uncle Jo. The trip took about 1hr 15mins from Kuala Lumpur. Arrived just in time for briefing. Registered and briefed, on on!

First, the warm up ride was up a really long steep road kinda reminiscing of Bukit Kiara. I thought if I start pushing here, where quite a number of riders did, its better for me to take the short ride if I want to live to see another bash. Simply because the pre-ride description said that this bash is going to be a hilly and steep terrain, and they didn't lie. Survived the warm up climb without pushing and was rewarded with a breathtaking view of the Sungai Selangor Dam.

The trail started here. Descended into a fast switch back downhill. All fun fun fun, then came the first major hill. Here, I pushed my bike about 3/4 of the way. After 1 hour of hard pushing, finally reached the top and descended to an Orang Asli settlement in Kg. Gerachi Jaya. 

Here, the short and long rides parted ways. Had a slight contemplation to take the short ride, but since I was still feeling strong, so the long ride would be the obvious insane choice.

Reached the second hill where a hasher was on standby. He said that you can choose to go up the hill or down. Without thinking I went down and enjoyed the fast and sketchy gravel road. 

All I can remember after that sweet downhill was a single track leading towards Kg. Kolam Air. Let me sum up the journey; ride, climb, push, several small river crossing, climb, a really steep downhill, more climbs, starting to feel cramps on my thigh, one red bull and 1hr 30mins later, I was out into KKB housing area and rode back to the bash site.

Total ride was about 3hr 30mins. Thank you to the lady rider who gave me some electrolyte caps and the guy rider who helped stretched my legs when I got wicked cramps on my thigh towards the end at the housing area. Overall another great insane climb bash!

Sungai Selangor Dam

I wish I had that view in my backyard - Kg. Gerachi Jaya

Re-energized myself with Redbull somewhere in the jungle

Towards the end at Kg. Kolam Air

October 21, 2012

BSN Putrajaya Night Marathon

Away from the Piala Malaysia Final between ATM and Kelantan in Shah Alam which momentarily turned into Kota Bharu, I endured another half marathon adventure in the bright empty city of Putrajaya. Joined by virgin half marathoner, Dinie. We left "Kota Bharu" and never looked back.

An underrated event which consists of all the running categories to suit every level of runners from full marathon to 5k fun run. Flag-off was at 8.20 p.m infront of the Istana Kehakiman and off we go into the lifeless federal administrative center of Malaysia. The plan was to run with Dinie for the first 30 minutes but we managed only 7 minutes together. With the monsoon weather kicking in extra high gear lately, I was expecting a wet run. Thank God, dark storm clouds that were looming that evening had dispersed and the night sky was as clear as you can asked for.

One of many bridges in Putrajaya along the route

I had no intention of breaking my PB in the SCKLM because this time around I brought along a camera which I held uncomfortably in my hand wrapped in a plastic (expected it would be raining) as I wanted to stop and snap pictures along the way. Loving the group of people that cheered for the runners and made the night lively at least to their best effort. There were moments when some uncivilized impatient drivers honking non-stop as they were held up by traffic police to let runners past through. What's the hurry!? What does Putrajaya has to offer that you can't wait for 30 minutes the most !?!?

Barefoot runner running past me =P *salute

The  extraordinary sights and sounds along the route

Moving on. I had a steady 10k with 1:02', which turned into a bad 8k after that, and finally became the worst 3k of my life. I was battling mother of all cramps in both of my calf and hamstring, plus excruciating knee pain. There could be two reasons for my injuries here. First, I'd may not warmed up properly which was only a slow jog of 300m from the car to the race site and some light stretches. Second, the shoes (NB 1080v2) may not fit my running profile. Gotta go get them Newtons =P

The last 3k of the run took me almost 30 minutes.  I was limping, walking, massaging and stretching them cramps on the side curbs and continued running with a gimp. I felt like there's a baby alien about to pop out from inside of my leg. I managed to push through the pain with the help from the cheering crowd that grew louder as I was approaching the finish line. Crossed the finish line with 2:35'20", collected the finisher tee and medal and went straight to the third last place any runner would never wanted to end up in; the medical tent (1st: back of an ambulance van, 2nd: sweeper bus), to get some ice treatment. Great job to the medical team. They were very helpful and kind.


Once the legs felt better, I went to my favorite part of the event, the finish line, cheering runners on. Overall great event, love the finisher tee. Best one I had so far. Pretty bummed out that the milo station packed up early. 

With Dinie minus my shoes

October 14, 2012

Nike We Run KL: first sub-1 hour 10k

The best view of the run. Now that's what I call "We Run KL"

Ran past Plaza Tol Dato' Keramat

Performances to cheer runners on along the route

Sub-1 hour babey!

Yes, finally I broke the sub-1 hour 10k mark with a time of 59'08". Super thrilled about the result. Been setting this goal since last year's nike run. Hard to describe the feeling you get when you set a goal, work hard and achieved it. Dammit, it felt sooooo GOOD!! 

The strategy was simple. I knew what I need to do to break that mark. Run hard from the start and run even harder towards the end. Well, this achievement didn't come without some share of setbacks. First, the obstacle. When there are 15,000 runners running in the same category there are bound to be traffic. Meaning, I got to weave through runners in order to maintain a decent pace. I've found it quite bothersome when runners do not exercise runner's etiquette that if you're walking, jogging or even tying your shoe lace, please move to the left. The same principle as heavy/slow vehicles on the road to the left.

Second setback was my calf strain injury which I sustained a week before the run, presumably from playing futsal and over trained in my Merrell Road Glove. A word of advice for those who has just started to wear minimal shoes, gradually work your way into minimal running at the slowest rate possible. Thankfully, the calf strain which I still felt on Wednesday has subsided. 

Weather was cool. It was only drizzling when the run started, where before that it has been raining the whole day. The finisher tee collection was a bit slow, which resulted in a long massive queue up until the finishing line. Those who crossed the finishing line after an hour would suffer from the congestion.

Besides that, others find the starting and finishing line to be at two different venues was a bit troublesome. Battling the KL traffic on a Saturday evening is not everyone's cup of tea. Planning was key, so Hafriz parked the car near Padang Merbok (finishing line) and we took a train to KLCC (starting line). 

Now, I understand why nike promotes the run to the public aged 24 years and below, and held the run in the evening. They wanted to lift up the post race event which turned into a party/concert atmosphere  with performances from Mizz Nina etc.   

Overall, great event. Glad Hafriz and Diana could join. I couldn't locate the whereabouts of Uitm Runners Club after the run. Supposed to ride with them but couldn't make in time for the rendezvous. Big thanks to URC. Without them it would be impossible to get a slot when the public registration closed just after 6 hours.

With Diana a.k.a "super runner" and Hafriz

September 30, 2012

Salomon Xtrail Run

Officially retiring my Nike Lunarglide 2. Served me well since Dec 2010

This is my first time running in a trail running event. It's a 10k run in the vast field of Ladang Ternakan, UPM, Serdang. I wore my Nike Lunarglide 2 because I do not have any specific trail running shoes. Also this would be Lunarglide's last run meet as I'm going to retire it after all the hard pounding since 2010. I know that's a long time in a runner's world, but for me, I beat the crap out of mine until it's last stretch. My only concern running in trails is when your foot does not land properly and you end up rolling your ankle. Thankfully I didn't get one. Alongside me for this little adventure this time around was Zawawi. Let's go!

The men's category was flagged off first then the women's category, 15 minutes later. Reason being was to avoid congestion, I guess. Well, here's my problem with different flag off time. Why can't men and women be flag off at the same time. Unless there's a different distance category, I don't see any other points and it takes out the fun for me as I only ran passed men and faster women ran passed me '-.-

The starting line was at stadium UPM, then runners made their way into the Ladang Ternakan which was only a quick jog away. Before entering the field, runners were greeted with a small pool of water where majority of runners chose to climb over fences to go around it, including me. Nobody wants to get their shoes wet that early. This particular obstacle caused a small traffic. Once in, everything went smoothly. The sky was clear and the sun was up. Certain areas were a bit slippery where there were mud and wet grass. Definitely got to watch your steps. Few climbs but nothing lung busting. Considerably flat and non technical. Basically, it can be easily adapted by any road runner. 

Ran the whole 9k alongside Zawawi but decided to push harder in the last km. I should've known better that my shoes will eventually get dirty, and did cross the pool of water as I was making my way back towards the stadium. Crossed the finish line at 1:21'49". Hit the refreshment booth and grabbed few photos before heading back home. Next Nike We Run KL!   

At the entrance (the gap in the middle was where the pool of water was)

Cows cheering runners on

Close up of the finisher medal

With Zawawi at the finish line

September 10, 2012

Volunteer act: Adidas KOTR

I'm in =D
When I missed out on the registration for the Adidas King of the Road, I'd jumped straight away into the opportunity to become a volunteer. Actually I didn't expect to volunteer after they replied in an email that the registration for volunteers is fulled, but then the day before the run I received a text message telling to me to join. I wasn't that excited in the beginning because the volunteers had to report in at 2 a.m. Plus, I've just got back from playing futsal and had one thing in mind and it was my comfy springy bed.

The organizer gave us t-shirts but the size was not to my liking. Didn't tripped since it was free. We all gathered at the Sunway Pyramid concourse. The organizer divided us into groups. There I befriend Akmal a student from UPM. The time was 3 a.m and you would think everybody would settle down and catch a nap. Hell no! The energy level of the volunteers at this point was the highest as if the shopping mall was opened. Me? I was already lying on the floor try to get some shut eyes. 

At 4 a.m, our group leader took us to tour the race venue so we could familiarized our self with where the medicals, toilets, baggage center, vip booth, presentational stage, finish line, starting line etc. are, so we could assist runners later on. My group was in charged of the Athlete's Welfare Area (AWA). This is where the runners, after completing their run would go to and collect water, banana and finisher medal.

After the AWA station has been prepared, Akmal and I went for subuh prayer at the mosque opposite Sunway Pyramid. On the way back, we checked out the 10k runners flag off. The 16.8k  runners flag off was 15 minutes earlier. We didn't have to wait for long before the first runner reached the finish line. After 30 minutes the elite athletes started to show up. They were welcomed with loud cheers and applauses from the crowd and the volunteers.

10k flag off

Bananas? check

Medals? check

Chilled mineral drinks? check

As runners started to flood into the finish line, I had the task of navigating traffic so the runners would keep moving forward and won't crowd the finish line. Bumped into Puteri who ran the 10k run with her boyfriend. Caught up with Hafriz who also ran the 10k run. Chatted about his run and just soaking in the atmosphere around. 

At 10 a.m, we cleared the AWA station before we were dismissed by our group leader. Overall, it was a cool experience as I got to check out the event in another perspective. Volunteering is a great way to give back to the running community because now I know the work that have been put in. It gives me better appreciation for the volunteers out there doing their part. Job well done guys!!!

With Hafriz after his run

August 18, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Another Ramadan has passed by. Hopefully we've all benefited from it. 

Most of the outdoor activities were put on hold during Ramadan. Only managed the occasional night runs and futsals just to get some sweats out. I did not ride with GTL at Elmina this Ramadan. Pretty bummed out with that. Neither did I join any runs or bash rides too.

I will be back on the scene soon after done attending all the raya open houses. There are few runs that I've already registered. There's the Salomon X-trail Run (Sept), BSN Putrajaya Night Marathon (Oct), and International Penang Bridge Marathon (Nov) coming up. There are few other runs that I've looked at but have not given serious thought about it yet. I'm gonna try my best to get back on the bike again. Looking forward for the next bash at Broga this month. 

Lastly, I want to wish everyone, friend and non friend alike, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Wishing all of you have a great time with family and friends. Drive safely for those who are making the long and short journey back to kampung.

July 15, 2012

BHP Orange Run

It's the last weekend before Ramadhan and what better way to go in the fasting month with a short 11k run at BHP Orange Run. The run was held at Piazza, The Curve, Mutiara Damansara. Quick shout out to the usual suspect who again bailout in the last minute. I guess 5 bucks was not a big deal to burn. In the other hand, Hafriz was down with Bieber fever the night before so find it hard to hear the morning alarm and the tons of missed calls! However, we got a newcomer in the running scene. Welcome Zawawi. Damn, this dude is mad fast! Got to be those long legs. I lost sight of him by KM3. Eventually caught up with him in the last KM. I think he slowed down for me. 

I was quite surprised with the numbers of runners turned out for this run. Perhaps they missed out the registration for MH night run like I did. Well, it was worth it if you considered the cost benefits. The route was great. Love the downhill part. Gatorade was provided at water stations. For post refreshments, they provided variety of drinks from coffee, teh tarik to ribena and chocolate milk along with nasi lemak. Happy tummy happy runner =D


Those rare quiet traffic days
With Zawawi a.k.a Dirt Nowitzki
With Mr. Choi and his son

July 1, 2012

Night bash.. zzzz

With Ariff, Pak Mat, Uncle Jo and Amir
First major climb where there's no shame in pushing

Bash#213 at Sepang was a night ride. First night ride since I started riding with KLMBH in 2010. My last bash was back at Kemensah in March. That was also the last time I got on a bike. Been really into running lately. I thought running would complement cycling, vice versa, but that's not the case. Every time I ride one of these bashes, it always got me cursing when those cramps starting to creep in. And bash#213 was no exception. On on!

We got a full crew this time around with Arif, Amir, Pak Mat and Uncle Jo. On this ride we would say hello to Pak Mat's new Merida and goodbye to old Schwimmer. I'll be putting the new girl up for a test. First thing I noticed was the short stem. It gives a closer angle between the handle and the seat post. Sweet!

Pak Mat and Arif ride short. I managed to persuade Amir to ride long. Kept on telling him it'll be fast and flat. Practically no climbs or if there's any he won't even notice it. All of this information I got from the bash trail preamble. Well, again I underestimated the trail and the hares. The first hour, all riders were riding in a group, where everyone just started to get their legs warmed up. By that time, Amir was behind and Uncle Jo was upfront. The second hour, was where I started to ride in small groups of two or three. At times I was riding alone. The atmosphere suddenly changed when you're riding alone in the dark. You looked back and see no incoming lights from other riders. All I do was concentrating on the paper trails. 

Night bash is different. I didn't see anybody took a breather on the side unless they suffer a puncture. Everyone quickly kept going. I'd rode the area once before during the SIC jamboree last year, and was quite familiar with some of the trails. The recent dry weather makes the trails very dusty especially if you got bundled up behind other riders.

Reached back at the rv point after 2.5 hour of hard riding. The battery pack for the light was really killing my back. My back was crying for a lithium-ion batts. Amir arrived almost an hour later along with the sweepers. Arif who was super hyper in beginning fell asleep as we had our dinner at the nearest Mcd. Great bash and many thanks to the hares and organizer! 

June 26, 2012

SCKLM Honda Half Marathon

Let's go straight to the good news! I set a new PB! I didn't realize until I'd reached home and check my PJ Dawn finished time. I'd finished in 2:22'32" a whopping 5 minutes off my previous PB. Initially my goal was to finish within 2.5 hour, but setting a PB in the process was an awesome added bonus =) 

This would be my 3rd half marathon for the year. Super pumped up as I ran the 10k category last year. Lots of good memories here. It was at SCKLM where I got my first taste of a major running event. I was glad that I could step up a notch this year and run in the half marathon. Full marathon for next year?! Well that's the plan. We'll see =)

It was really hard to get to Dataran Merdeka with many main roads closed. The detour cost me some time. Twist and turned my way into KL and luckily I arrived near Masjid Jamek. Stopped by for Subuh prayer then head straight to Dataran Merdeka where the half marathon category had already started. Thankfully being the category with the most participation with 5500+ runners, there were still a good 2000+ runners slowly making their way to cross the starting line. 

Here's the bad news. I thought I could avoid cramps and muscle stiffness during the run by rubbing on a hot cream/analgesic on my legs and thighs before I left the house. It turned out to be the biggest mistake ever! At first, I felt fine. Then all of a sudden, after the 10km mark, my legs started to feel the heat. Such unbearable discomfort was really distracting me. I tried spraying cool muscle reliever offered by volunteers at the water stations to put down the heat. Well, it didn't work and now my legs felt hot and cold at the same time. To make matter worst, the knee pains and heavy legs starting to kick in. It was surely by far the worst ever feeling to have while running that I've experienced. That was my lowest point in the run =(

The sun was about to make its mark on the run, but I was already heading back towards the city center. So the KL skyscrapers provided much shade from the sun. I kept myself cool with soaked sponges handed out by the volunteers. I was relieved to see the 20km sign and never thought I could bear through the pain all this way. The last km was the most fun as the crowd grow larger cheering runners on heading towards Dataran Merdeka. Funny thing was, at this point I'd enjoyed the atmosphere so much that I wanted the run to go for another km. Hence, the next photo.

A clear reflection of how my run went 
(photos by Tey Eng Tiong)

I can still feel the heat on my legs after I collected my medal. Waited agonizingly for Faiz to finish his 10k run. NEVER EVER try something different or new on race day if you never try it before. Lesson learned -_-"

pause pain, SMILE, pain resume