July 1, 2012

Night bash.. zzzz

With Ariff, Pak Mat, Uncle Jo and Amir
First major climb where there's no shame in pushing

Bash#213 at Sepang was a night ride. First night ride since I started riding with KLMBH in 2010. My last bash was back at Kemensah in March. That was also the last time I got on a bike. Been really into running lately. I thought running would complement cycling, vice versa, but that's not the case. Every time I ride one of these bashes, it always got me cursing when those cramps starting to creep in. And bash#213 was no exception. On on!

We got a full crew this time around with Arif, Amir, Pak Mat and Uncle Jo. On this ride we would say hello to Pak Mat's new Merida and goodbye to old Schwimmer. I'll be putting the new girl up for a test. First thing I noticed was the short stem. It gives a closer angle between the handle and the seat post. Sweet!

Pak Mat and Arif ride short. I managed to persuade Amir to ride long. Kept on telling him it'll be fast and flat. Practically no climbs or if there's any he won't even notice it. All of this information I got from the bash trail preamble. Well, again I underestimated the trail and the hares. The first hour, all riders were riding in a group, where everyone just started to get their legs warmed up. By that time, Amir was behind and Uncle Jo was upfront. The second hour, was where I started to ride in small groups of two or three. At times I was riding alone. The atmosphere suddenly changed when you're riding alone in the dark. You looked back and see no incoming lights from other riders. All I do was concentrating on the paper trails. 

Night bash is different. I didn't see anybody took a breather on the side unless they suffer a puncture. Everyone quickly kept going. I'd rode the area once before during the SIC jamboree last year, and was quite familiar with some of the trails. The recent dry weather makes the trails very dusty especially if you got bundled up behind other riders.

Reached back at the rv point after 2.5 hour of hard riding. The battery pack for the light was really killing my back. My back was crying for a lithium-ion batts. Amir arrived almost an hour later along with the sweepers. Arif who was super hyper in beginning fell asleep as we had our dinner at the nearest Mcd. Great bash and many thanks to the hares and organizer! 

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