April 10, 2018

SCKLM 2018 - half marathon race report

"Starting strong is good. Finishing strong is epic"


I realised that since I started running (full) marathons, I have gotten complacent and comfortable with running long and slow. Then I started running ultra-marathons which the pace is even slower than marathon races. You need to run efficiently but not necessarily fast. I didn’t find the need to work on my speed like running on a track and doing intervals speed workouts (I have yet to run on a track). But after another failed attempt to finish sub-5 at SCKLM last year (5:20), I knew I needed to work on my speed which I have neglected in my running. So, I decided to join half marathon category with a goal to finish sub-2. I did it once at Seremban Half Marathon 2013 which I crossed the finish line right on the dot in 1:59’59”.


Training has gone well building up to race day. Started training since the start of the year with average mileage of 40km per week. 10k runs on weekdays after work and longer runs over the weekends. Mixed it around with trail running and hiking to lessen the impact on joints but we all know the real reason as Kilian Jornet once said “flat is boring”.

RACE DAY : 0530 START (8/4/2018 SUN)

I was excited to be running for the first time with Boy (Mahzan) who was going to be my pacer and a frequent sub-2 finisher. Flag off was at 5.30 a.m. and straight out of the gate, we quickly settled in our stride with me leading and cutting our way through the crowd for the first 5k. Boy said we were going too fast as the adrenaline rush got the best of me, he quickly took pacing duty onwards. Pace was good. Timing was good. Legs were good. Everything was good (so far).

What is every runner’s worst nightmare during a race? Yes, taking care of business in the porta-potty. At KM12, mother nature called and I had to do exactly that. Thank goodness I was the first person to use that particular Superman-changing-room as toilet papers were still wrapped in plastic and there was no funky smell (sorry next person though J). I’d already conceded that I would not get my sub-2 finish today, so I told Boy to go ahead and get that sub-2 finish for us. I kept looking at my watch counting the seconds and minutes. I had lost seven minutes.

Grumpy stomach gone, chugged down two cups of water and off I went. I kept running a 5:30 pace and started to estimate my finishing time, it was still possible! I picked up the pace, skipped the last two water stations and in the last KM sighed a huge relieve when I spotted the 2:00 hour pacers. I crossed the finishing line with 44 seconds to spare and the biggest smile on my face. Alhamdullilah.

Always finish strong in a race because you will never know the outcome. And I’m glad I did. Congratulations to SCKLM on their 10th anniversary marathon and all finishers. See you again next year and if you read this till the end, thank you!

With my boy, Boy.

Supporting her on her 10k run. Congrats sayang!
Maybe one day we'll run a marathon together.

Signed off