July 23, 2017

SCKLM 2017 - breaking 5 race report

Long story short, I didn't break sub-5.

Short story long, SCKLM came at the perfect time before we welcomed Ramadhan a week later. So, it’s time to go all out and break the world record for full marathon and become a national icon, or if you’re not feeling it, just set a new personal best will do. Well, I was doing great and running all the way until I hit the wall at KM30 and couldn't attempt to run 50 meters before cramps attacked on my quads. Right at that moment, I knew breaking 5 was not for that day as I watched in despair the sub-5 pacers and their giant balloons slowly disappeared in the distance. I did however set a new PB for SCKLM at 5:20 against 5:44 in 2014. No sweat we will go again next year! I wasn’t really bummed with my result because I'm training and preparing for a bigger event. This August, I’m about to embark on the biggest journey of my life, my first 100k ultra marathon, at The Magnificent Merapoh Trail. I've been transitioning to trail running over the past two months, Ramadhan and the following festive month of Raya. So I had to take a crash course in trail running by running with the guys from Shah Alam Running Club (SARC). I got to learn a lot from nutrition to proper techniques, and clocked more mileage compare to if I was to train alone. With that said, I’m going to end this post with an African proverb:

“If you want to run fast, run alone; if you want to run far, run together”

With Mira after the race.