November 30, 2014

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2014 - full marathon race (makan) report

This was the first time the Penang Bridge marathon was staged at the new Penang Second Bridge. The bridge is 24km long and the marathon was basically a run from one end to another and back. This was my third marathon and the last one for this year. So I was looking to close it out strong, perhaps with a new pr

The last time I came to Penang was back in 2012 for the half marathon category at the Penang First Bridge which is 13.5km long. Back then I went up all alone, took the bus on the eve of race day, find a place to stay on the day itself, which was really troublesome, and when back the next day. This time around I traveled up with a friend and met up with others there. More planned out and booked my room in advanced(1 week before the run and all the cheaper rooms are fully booked-luckily we got an assist from a local friend).

A self-portrait on the second bridge as we arrived into the island.


It won't be complete if you went to Penang and didn't indulge yourselves with what Penang have to offer. their food! As soon as we reached the island, no time was wasted, the food hunt begins. Carbo-loading wouldn't be problem. 

Breakfast at Transfer Road with Faiz.

Nasi kandaq Merlin for lunch

Mee sotong for early dinner at Padang Kota Lama,
then tapau satu for dinner too.


The full marathon was flagged off at 1:30 a.m. The men were released first, followed by the women 15 minutes later. The bridge was really congested up until the arch of the bridge at KM3. The moment I started running on the bridge, I realized that it was going to be a long quiet run as both ways were occupied by runners running back and forth, it left no rooms for spectators. Thus crowd cheers were only at the start and finish line which was after you got off the bridge. Entertainment on the bridge were limited to drums and a lion dance but then stopped after I had made my u-turn and were heading back.  

There's nothing to see as you're running in the middle of the night, accompanied by the darkness of the sea on both sides. Nothing to distract your mind off the run, the distances left-you have to wonder as there were no distance markers-and the physical and mental pain that you're most probably in. The weather turned out to be perfect. It was a warm night and not that very windy.

One positive that I saw was that the course was flat 90% of the run. It's the flattest course I've ever ran in. So a pr was beckoning for most runners and I wanted mine too! But I had my setbacks early in the run. Around KM10, I felt a sharp pain on my left toes. I tried to shake it off but the pain just got more aggravated the further I run. Stopped at the medic, took my shoe and sock off, and noticed there's blisters around my toes. I quickly asked for plaster from the medic volunteer and tape it up, F1 racing style!

The only thing to snap during the run, the arch, nothing much to see after that. 

Oh yeah spotted Goku running full too, no big deal.  

Much needed at 4 a.m? I don't think so.

The course

At KM35, I realized I had a shot to finish the marathon within 5 hours. So I sucked everything in and picked up the pace. At this point, the full marathon runners were joined by the back end of half marathon runners, and it started to get crowded. Many half runners were walking and I had to maneuver my way around them.

When I was only 1 km away from the finish line with couple of minutes to spare before the 5 hour mark, I was emotionally happy and started cruising to savor the moment. I crossed the finish line at 4:56'45". I made it, I got my damn sub 5-hour marathon finish, and a new pr. I couldn't ask for more. It's been a great first marathon year for me. Although I had joined only 3 runs this year, but each one is memorable with its own story, where the failure was bitter and the success tasted even sweeter. That's it. It's time to recover, rest and relax. See you next year!     

With elite runner, Edan Syah, placing 3rd for Malaysia best and 8th for overall half marathon men's category. Congrats bro!

Post race meal at Kapitan with Anwar, Idzwan, Diana and Hafriz.

October 23, 2014

SCKLM 2014 - full marathon race report

When I first started running SCKLM back in 2011-10k category-never thought I would be lining up for the full marathon category. Then progressing to half marathons in 2012 and 2013, and finally the time has come for me to run in the full marathon category. Yeah it took me quite a long time to get around as I was the only one among my peers who was actively running and I had plenty of doubts in my abilities whether it was possible. Nobody to push me. Nobody to motivate me. But I knew I had to do it sooner or later, and I can't wait for someone to hold my hand and lead me the way. Sometimes you have to lead the way yourself although you do not how it would end up. And I'm glad I did and starting to see my friends has followed suit.

After getting my ass handed to me in my first marathon-Borneo Marathon-I realized marathons are difficult and hard on the body if you do not prepare for it and I've learned it the hard way. You can't go in thinking that you're fit and having an active lifestyle, you could easily run a marathon. You can do that for 10k's and half's but not full's. You need to put the time and effort to practice. 


Yes practice and practice for runners would be training. There are plenty of lessons to learn from my first marathon and lots of improvements to be done. Started doing more lower body workouts in the gym to build up muscle strength in my legs, and I put in the time on the road cranking up the mileage. Plus getting enough rest, recovery and keeping myself injury-free is key in making sure my training went according to plan.


The commute

I parked my car at Taman Jaya and took the LRT to Masjid Jamek. I ran the first 11k wearing a kain pelikat before I ditched it after subuh prayer at Tol AKLEH. I really need to start investing in a long compression pants as my house is running out of kain pelikat. Bummed into familiar and new faces running their first full. Shout out to UITM Runners Club runners whom were all running their first full. The weather wasn't that bad (I didn't see the sun) and wasn't that good either (because it was a little hazy). So it was cool light hazy morning thus I had my sunglasses on my head the whole run.

Running on MRR2 with KL Twin Towers in the background

With UITM Runners Club

One thing that every runners would agreed on was that the number of water stations were more than needed, which I LOVE it! I did not pour any water in my water bottle which I was carrying, thus keeping things light. There were water stations at every 2km which I stopped and took my sweet time at every water stations.

I only passed the 6:00 hour pacers and managed to catch up with the 5:30 hour pacers which I never saw again after I'd stopped by for subuh prayer earlier. At every hills, whether it was a long or short ascends, I would stopped running and walked it through as I did not want to pull any muscles which I was starting to feel them tightening from KM20 onwards.

100 plus Edge was served from KM30 onwards which is non-carbonated isotonic drink for easy consumption. No need to burp or fart to get the gas out as normal 100 plus would have you do. Why not just serve 100 plus Edge at every water stations...

...but again sometimes runners want carbonated drinks. At KM 35, supporters opening up their own water stations to serve ice-cold Coca-Cola. God bless them

To my surprised, I didn't hit the infamous "wall" and had a good run from KM30 until the finish line. The cut-off time was 6:00 hours, and cross the finish line with a time of 5:43'48"(net). I was so so happy. I shaved off 45 minutes from my last run. I felt the time and effort I'd put in training paid off, and that great satisfaction you feel after achievement your goal. You can say I've fall back in love with running again.

With Rifdi, Anwar and Kimi after the run

Welcome to the club Amirul 'Nyun' Faizan! Congrats on your first marathon finish

All smiles after crossing the finish line with a PR. 2nd marathon in the book

May 12, 2014

Borneo International Marathon 2014 - my first marathon race report

42.195km marathon checked =)

Finally I've ran a marathon! I could not imagined this happening when I first started running in my local 6k back in 2011. Progressing from 10k runs to half-marathons, I really took my time. Trying to enjoy all there is to be offered in shorter races with my friends. It's been a long time coming. Running in a marathon seems to be the obvious next step in my little running adventure. 


Since last year I've already decided that 2014 would be the year I would be running in full-marathon. No more delaying it. I originally planned to run my maiden marathon at SCKLM simply because it's the biggest marathon stage in the country with big crowds and even bigger number of participants. Unfortunately SCKLM changed their usual marathon date from June to October. I believed it's because it clashes with Ramadhan which this year starts at the end of June. I didn't want to wait that long, so Borneo Marathon got the pick. 


By the end of March, I injured my right ankle while out running with my friend. I was running in my minimal shoes(Merrell Roadglove) which is my training shoes and I usually run hard in them. I twitched a muscle and could felt a sharp pain every time I put pressure on my right leg. With that said, my marathon training for the month of April were shorten to only 10km runs as I didn't want to further aggravate the injury. I got in more miles as my ankle were getting better and stronger. I did 10km, 20km, 30km and 40km cumulatively for the first, second, third and fourth week respectively.   

Do or do not, there is no try - Yoda

The run was on Sunday and I arrived in Sabah on Thursday night. I was joined by Faiz on this trip. He ran in the half-marathon category. On Friday, I went to Pulau Manukan for a quick getaway to get some island feel and collected my race kit afterwards at Suria Sabah Shopping Mall which is just beside Jesselton Point Ferry Terminal. We stayed at Iskandar Sinsuran Guesthouse right in front of Filipino Market. Nothing fancy just enough to accommodate two low-budget runners.

Taxi charges in Kota Kinabalu are known to be expensive so we decided to rent a motorbike for rm45 per day to get around and to the race venue at Stadium Likas. With a motorbike on deck, we decided to grab chicken wings or as the locals called it sayap for dinner and checked out the sunset at Tanjung Aru. After that, we headed back to our room to grab some shut eyes as the full-marathon category starts at 3.00 am.    

Sunset at Tanjung Aru before race day


I think I had about an hour of sleep. Then I went to watch Manchester United's match alone that night and grab some supper while I'm at it. If you've been living under a rock the past year or do not follow football, you would not know that United had a torrid season and they lost yet another game that night. Not a vibe that I was looking for. Went back to the room, woke Faiz up who was sleeping like a baby. His run starts at 5.00 a.m but he had to follow me because he doesn't know how to ride the motorbike. Stadium Likas is only a 15 minutes ride from the city center. Reached the stadium around 2.00 a.m, left our bags at the bag drop counter and chilled at the track area to snap some pre-run pictures and did some stretches.

With Tey Eng Tiong before the run

You can say that I was damn nervous. Anxious of what would happen to my body. Could my legs hold up? When would my newly healed ankle give in and starts causing discomfort? I've read books about running. I watched Youtube videos on everything running related. I watched movies about marathons. I heard people's stories running marathons. All those have inspired and motivated me to be where I was right then, at the back of the starting line of my maiden marathon run. I gave my shoe laces a last tie and exactly 3.00 a.m we were flagged-off. 

In the first 10km, the course took us to a loop towards the city center and back to Stadium Likas via an alternative route. I made a friend along the way. I noticed this Chinese boy was following my pace beside me for while. Then we started chatting. He goes by the name Chan Zen and it was his first marathon too. He said his mom is also running in the marathon and pointed at her who's not quite far in front of us. The first 10k as expected, felt great. Even confidently told Chan Zen that I aimed to finish within 5-5:30 hours much to his surprise. Little that I knew what was coming for me later on. After passing Stadium Likas then we head north pass Likas Bay towards Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Here was where I wished I had enough sleep because I felt I need a bed with a comfy pillow to rest my head on.   

 The next half was the hardest under the blazing hot sun

We had to run the loop in UMS where there were two hill climbs. Ran the first one. Walked the second one. After passing the half way mark I felt my legs were fast starting to give out on me. Exited UMS and continued further North towards Sepangar. The morning sun already up and bright by then and it was a good thing I brought along my 4 bucks shades with me. At KM26 I caught up with Chan Zen's mother and started chatting with her. Along that mark too, little Ben slowly like a turtle ran passed me. 

Tks to that note behind me, I got a lot support from other runners
Tks everybody for the encouragement
I managed to get 2.5 seconds of sleep there =P
[Photos by Tey Eng Tiong

I looked at the faces of the runners that had made the U-turn far far ahead. Few had smiles on their faces but relieved nonetheless knowing that they're heading back towards the stadium. Beyond KM26, all I did was walk, and walk and walk. Every time I felt like I had walked long enough, I would try to run and managed to get as far as 10-20 meters. Every thing hurts. My knees, the bottom of my feet and every single muscles on my legs, all screaming STOP!!! I had my hands on my knees countless times. I was mad and frustrated with myself. Perplexed on why my legs couldn't run even at a snail pace. After I got my head cleared up, I finally realized that I hit The Wall or rather it hits me and it hits me hard!! The Wall is something I heard before but never took it seriously. Basically I felt like shit.

Almost at the KM29.5 U-turn =)
[photos by Tey Eng Tiong]

After reaching the U-turn at KM29.5, I would pour cups of water on my head at every water station to cool myself off from the hot sun. I saw some runners grabbing refreshments at the road side stalls. I wished I had brought along some cash with me. At KM38 water station there were cut oranges and watermelons which put a smile on my face. At KM40 I started looking at my watch and picking up my pace. The cut-off time is 6:30 hours and I was already 6 hours in. Caught back with Chan Zen and his mom where we pushed each other to run the last km. All three of us ran, giving all that was left in our legs trying to make it within the cut-off time. When I entered the stadium the crowd weren't as many as when I started the run. All the 10k, half and most full-marathon runners had already gone back. I kept running and said to myself "just don't collapse now". Crossed the finish line with a time of 6:32'55" (unofficial) on my stopwatch. I was greeted by Ben, Faiz, Chan Zen and his mom. Those who ran it totally understands it. They say a marathon can humble you. For me it definitely did.

The last 10km was the hardest.. look at that time.. I was totally surprised =0  

With Chan Zen and his mom after the run. Both helped me a lot =)

We are officially marathoners!!! With Ben after the run =)

March 22, 2014

Malaysia Women Marathon 2014 - haze report

The FM gold finisher dog tag is damn nice! Next year FM it is! Any takers? =P 

Malaysia Women Marathon was the first run that I registered this year. It's a women only running event with exception if male runners wanted to join they can only joined as pacers for half and full marathon categories. With that said, my first problem was that I did not know any female friends that run half or full marathon distances. Rather than looking for one, I had to persuade runners and non runners alike to run their first HM. Most of my female friend runners were not ready to take on such distance, and for my non female friend runners, they just gave me the Death Stare. I never ask again...


Luckily, Rayhan hit me back and was interested to run the HM category and wanted me to become her pacer. Her longest distance that she'd run was 8km but she was up the challenge. Gotta love that kind of spirit! My game plan in order to get her ready for the big day was to get as many mileage as possible from December till March and at the same time instilling proper running techniques during runs. We even put our pacer pacee partnership to the test at a 8km Milo Run held at Padang Merbok back in January. 

Race day

The weather for the pass month had been so dry with no rain resulting in peat fires throughout the country. With that said the infamous haze came and suffocated every outdoor lovers. Good news; the day before race day it rained heavily and rarely seen blue sky were visible. Bad news; unfortunately, the morning of race day the situation turned for the worst. I believed that the heavy rain from the day before had brought up all the smoke from peat fires. Although the air pollution index that morning stated that it was below 100 but that burning smell were very strong and can be clearly seen.   

As safety of runners are top priority, the organizers decided to changed the event into a non-competitive run where the cash prizes were donated to charities and the sponsorship prizes were converted into lucky draws. They still flagged off runners in their respective categories. Most that were there at the race venue went on and run, there were some who decided to go back to their cars, while others collected their finisher goodies and chilled at the race venue. I followed the latter. Rayhan wasn't into the idea of running in the hazy condition. I tried talking her into running the 10km category. She wasn't down either. Finally, she said yes to the 5km category and I'm back on my feet.     

5km category had the most joyful crowd. Everybody was smiling and enjoying each others company. Nobody took the distance seriously neither do I. Before we could reach the half way mark they already told us to cut across the route and turned back as the run has been cancelled. Apparently every categories were cut short. FM to 35km, HM to 18km, 10km to ??, and 5km to 4km (information based on runners I had asked in their respective categories).

Oh yeah, I ran in my mom's jammies or baju kelawar in support of event being a women marathon. Always love when runners are not wearing their usual running clothes and I decided to join in the fun. I got my critics but damn I think I pulled off. Till next time. Keep running =)

With Rayhan running towards the finishing line =)

[photos by Enaikay]

No haze can stop us from turning up =)

February 23, 2014

KLMBH #233 Kuang

Date: 23 February 2014
Distance: 26km (long ride)
Hares: Ying How, Mike Kwan, Rebecca Thomason, Ai Ling Kevin Vincent Phang, Albert Chua and Mark Lim

For this trip, I was joined by my friend, first timer hasher Zahid along with veteran hashers Johan and Jazlan. As we were cycling towards the bash tent for registration, everybody was already cycling the other way. ON ON!

As I brought someone new to the bash, I felt that it was my duty to make sure he survive the torture that bash ride could bring. I strongly advised him to bring two bottles of 1.5 liters drinking water and snacks for the ride which he reluctantly obliged. First, we were riding on tarmacs through industrial factories before we got into super dried palm oil estate. 30 minutes into the ride, we reached a crossroad where the long and short ride parted ways. By this time I already lost sight of Johan and Jazlan. 

After passing the first tunnel, we enjoyed a long downhill only to realized that there were no papers the entire way. We stopped after reaching the very bottom and made the cycled back up. Went back to the tunnel where 3 other riders were looking for paper trail. We looked everywhere but couldn't find it. Finally one of the rider decided to call the number behind the KLMBH tag. Someone picked up, got directions, and off we go. End up the paper trail continued before the tunnel and on towards the highway.

The Newbie

When I'm not riding, pushing, crossing rivers, peeing, vomiting, or dying...
I sit

After another hour of smooth rolling ride in the palm oil estate, we reached another crossroad whereby Reza was stationed to cut off any riders who would want to opt the chicken loop rather than towards the only major climb that the ride had to offer. After the ride I heard there was another cut off to another major climb where Ying How was stationed. So, we rode our bicycle up and pushed when our legs gave up. Then, we did some hiking down on the other side of the hill. After that, we reached a rubber estate area which I failed to conquer. So more hiking for me -_-"

Found out who had been holding the traffic up...

How riders read this - "Danger to walk, safe to ride"

Reached back at the car after 3 hours of riding. Collected last year's KLMBH "Spiderman" jersey. Great job hares! It was a really enjoyable route. Good way to attract and motivate riders into riding bashes early in the year before the tough ones comes later.  

January 1, 2014

Newton Challenge 2013 - race report

So just like that 2013 came to an end. Newton Challenge had been my year end run for the past 3 years. It was held at Bandar Kinrara, Puchong. The weather that morning was perfect. It didn't rain the night before and it was a cool and dry morning. Left the house around 4.30 am. Arrived at the race venue with couple of minutes to spare before the flag off. Park my car inside the mosque parking area which is beside the race venue and quickly hustled my way towards the starting line. I was joined by Faiz who was doing his first 25km run cum half marathon distance. 

I thought I was still in bed dreaming when I saw a unicorn.
A girl in a unicorn suit and she did 25km. Kudos!

The 25km run was flagged off at 5.30 am. The route was the same as last year's. Bumped into a fellow triathlon friend Amir who is planning to join next year's Malaysia half and full Ironman. Chatted with him until we reach a surau at a nearby apartment complex around KM4 for our subuh prayer. After done with prayer, I continued running and there were only several runners spotted in sight. I liked it for change as it was way quieter and more peaceful compared to being in the middle of the pack with thousands of runners where it is hard to get a clear run ahead.

The 3:00 hour pacer

The climbs that this place is famous (that's why they called it Newton Challenge and not Newton Run) for has now turned into a joyful ride for me. The climbs uphill were not so bad now compared to what I had described 2 years back when I first started here. I'm still slow on the ascends but man do I love the descends that comes afterwards. Thank you strong knees!

Spotted several familiar faces along the way. There was Izzati who was also doing her first 25km run cum half marathon distance. Only drinking water was provided at all water stations. At about KM21 the 15km runners converged with the rest of the 25km runners to run the final stretch back towards the finish line. Crossed the finish line at 2:49'38"(official) and 2:35'17"(stopwatch: excluding prayer break). Collected my finisher medal. There was queue building up for at the watermelon booth, so I skipped that and went straight for the 100 plus booth. Chilled out at the finish line to cheer runners on and snapped few photos. Later I had breakfast at a Terengganu restaurant located inside the mosque premise where the rice for the nasi lemak was in green in color.

With Nasrul, Rifdi, Amir and Faiz after our run.
Thanks Amir and Faiz for bending down. Now I'm the tallest!

That is all from me for 2013. It's been an incredible ride. Alhamdullilah for the good health and friends I've made during the year. My highlight of the year got to be the Seremban Half Marathon where I clocked my first sub-2 hour half marathon. Plus that was the only run I ran outside of Selangor this year. I got one DNS which was the Penang Bridge Marathon. Last but not least, thank you all that have taken their time to read my blog. I appreciate it greatly. May 2014 be another great running adventure for all of us. Happy new year everybody  (=